Moving forward, BIYP will be free for everyone so we can all chat and learn from each other.
I’ll be using this space to share my best tips and tricks that got me to where I am today so that you can learn from them, too.
I’ll still be answering questions along the way, so keep ‘em coming!
Monthly subscriptions have been turned off and all annual and founding subscriptions will be refunded for the remainder of the term.
I look forward to hanging out with you all here!
What do you want to want to see from BIYP 2.0? Comment below.
🩷🩷 thank you!
I’m a new real estate agent in Texas near the Gulf and you have been very inspiring to me!!
Wow, this is living in abundance in it's truest form! Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this!
I met you at an REMentor event that I was working for Dave Lindahl and was blown away by your presentation, and your positive and loving energy. You weren't selling anything and you were so funny and kind to everyone there.
I would like to see you create a network where amazing people like yourself help others help themselves realize their gifts, talents and purpose and then they pay it forward.
People helping, teaching, empowering others to work toward their dreams and live in abundance.
Learn IT Teach IT Live IT Make the world a better place. Imagine if today, each person did this today, what the world would be like tomorrow!